2024/06/03 A School Education Crisis: Bored Students and Overwhelmed Teachers Threaten the Future of Learning.

How Do We Solve This Problem?

Almost all parents of schoolchildren and the vast majority of school staff know – modern education does not meet the challenges of our time, and many aspects need change – from the content of educational programs to the way they are taught. One of the main problems in education today is, without a doubt, the low motivation of students. Students often do not see the practical value of the knowledge they are taught and have no idea how these skills apply to real life. This leads to a decreased interest in learning and poorer academic performance. These things, in turn, negatively impact the prospects of unmotivated students. So how can we change this situation? At Unispher, we believe that this problem can be solved through an individual approach to each student and careful selection of participants for working groups to ensure the most comfortable and effective interaction.
Especially since scientists and educators have already identified the main types of learners based on their most suitable learning styles.
Here they are:

Visual Learners
These students absorb information through images, diagrams, and charts. Schools can enhance their learning by using multimedia presentations and interactive whiteboards.

Auditory Learners
They remember information better when it is presented verbally. Lectures, podcasts, and group discussions are beneficial for these students.

Kinesthetic Learners
They learn through actions and hands-on experiences. Lab work, practical activities, and physical engagement are key elements of their education.

Reading/Writing Learners
These students prefer reading and writing texts. Schools can provide textbooks, articles, and written assignments to support their learning.

Logical Learners
They excel in analytical thinking and solving logical problems. Puzzles and problem-solving tasks can be useful for them.

Social Learners
They prefer learning in groups. Group projects and discussions help them grasp the material better.

Solitary Learners
They are more comfortable learning alone. Individual assignments and the opportunity to work in a quiet environment are important for their success.

Natural Learners
They love learning in nature and through interaction with the environment. Environmental projects and outdoor activities can be effective for them.

In the near future, according to our vision, the most effective learning process will include: сomprehensive questionnaires at all stages, effective interaction with the Unispher platform, observations from mentors and teachers and analysis of each student’s actions and development through artificial intelligence. All this will allow us to find not only the most effective teaching methods for each learner but also the teams most likely to cooperate favorably in group work.

So, what types of learners are you and your friends/classmates/students? And whom would you find it easier and more convenient to work with, cooperate with, or learn from?

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